Dayboro Business Directory listing Deadline 1st September 2018


Dayboro Business Directory Coverpage


For the first time since 1986, we are publishing The Dayboro & District Business Directory in FULL COLOUR. Existing advertisers will receive FREE setup to convert their ads to FULL COLOUR.

We are now calling for advertisers for the 2019 edition. Th has circulation in excess of 3000 and will be delivered FREE to all homes & businesses throughout the Dayboro District in 2019. With great rates for whole year’s advertising, in a handy wire-bound book, everyone keeps by their phone or in the car, you can’t afford not to advertise your business.

At no additional cost, in addition to current booklet entries, it is expected that the Dayboro Directory will be available on-line on the internet at Businesses and organisations that pay for advertising in the Directory will automatically have the artwork that is created for the Directory displayed in a searchable form on-line. So, for example, a full or quarter page advertisement will appear in the same way in the online-directory.

Businesses that do not wish to take advantage of this offer should let us know.

An additional premium on-line service is being developed and will be available from January 2019 at an initial cost of $50 per business. This will provide businesses and organisations with a more detailed entry and more service options. Advertisements will be prioritised to the top of the listing if requested a map and directions to your place of business will be provided, and businesses will have access to manage a notice board area in their listing. This may be of particular interest to small businesses who do not have their own webpage.


Advertising Rates

A typesetting (set up) charge of $40 will apply to New Advertisers.


Complete the form below to start your Business Listing NOW


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Or call Tracy on 07 3881 3704