Dayboro Business Listings
Dayboro Business Listings is the merger of MyDayboro and the Dayboro Lions Business Directory. MyDayboro has been around since 2004 with weather and Dayboro business listings, it is only since 2017 when joining “forces” with the Dayboro Lions that we now publish a paper-based version online.
There is a lot of information collected and displayed for each Dayboro Business so let us dive wright in and look at what it all means.
Search Result
When you search for a Dayboro business, and only those who are in the printed directory are listed, you will see your result shown here.
This has all the important information you need. It shows the following information:
- Advert image as shown in the Printed Version of the Dayboro Business Directory.
- If the business is currently open for business. We use the time zone of your browser and compare that against the opening hours provided by the business.
- Half Page, this means this business has a half page in the printed directory. This makes it easier to find in the paper directory.
- The name of the business “Birches Restaurant”.
- The category listed under, this can be different from the paper-based version. Here is shows “Restaurants”
- The location where the business is “Mount Mee”.
- The contact phone number “07 5498 224”.
Each business has its specific combination of features, like if there is parking or if they take reservations.
The online version of the Dayboro Lions Business Directory lists the business features as part of the listing. The red means not available the green means the feature is available.
In this example, the Dayboro Business has:
- Accepts Credit Cards
- Has a parking lot
- Accepts Cash
- Good for groups
- Takes reservations
Contact Information
As part of the detailed listing, all contact details are listed including the business webpage, social media accounts, and where applicable their current events.
Using GPS technology you can enter your current location and use the turn-by-turn directions to the business.
Detailed information
When updating the Dayboro Lions Business Directory, North Pine printing looks after the paper-based version and HELP4BIS manages the online version.
As part of the updates, the internet is searched for detailed information about the business. This is generally found on the business’s own website in the about pages. We grab that information and add it to the Online Version of the business directory.
Listing Info
The listing info is for administrative purposes. It still can give you some important information for example:
- Publish Date, is the date when the business was first listed. They are all set for 2022 due to the site upgrade in 2022
- Last updated, this shows you when the listing was updated with new information.
- Expiry Date, the date when the listing expires. Each year the Dayboro Lions send out a form to all the local businesses for inclusion in the printed version. If they decide to extend their listing, then the online version will be updated. If not their listing expires and will not be shown online.
- Advert Size, the size of their advert in the Dayboro Printed version, this is included for administration purposes. It also aids in finding the advert.
Get your own page
Our mission at HELP4BIS is to provide Australian small and medium-sized businesses with reliable, secure, and performance-driven Australian-based Managed WordPress hosting services tailored to their unique needs.:
- Locally based, we are just next door.
- One Stop Shop, we build, we host and we maintain starting from $30 pm.
- The problem stops with us. We own the servers and we own the problem.
- We strive to be trusted partners in your digital success journey by fostering meaningful relationships with our clients.
How to get included?
Each year, around September, the Dayboro Lions and North Pine Printing start the process to make the next year’s printed version of the Dayboro & Districts Business Directory (Dayboro Business Listing). All residents in Dayboro get a form mailed to them for business inclusion. You fill that out and North Pine Printing will contact the business to make the artwork for the printed version of the business directory.
The size of the adverts are:
- Full Page, with the option of being featured online.
- Half Page
- Quarter Page
Feature listings get a bit more attention in the online version, as you can see below.
Can I still be listed after 1st of September?
Paper Version
The printed version has a deadline of 1st September for new or updated Dayboro Business Listing if you miss that date you have to wait till next year. You still can submit your information to North Pine Printing for next year’s inclusion.
Online Version (
Yes, you can be included as a Dayboro Business Listing. You follow the same steps as for the paper version. North Pine Printing will contact HELP4BIS to include your listing. You can do this anytime during the year, you will be charged pro-rata rates as per the printed version.
Just remember, all monies go to the Daybor Lions Club. HELP4BIS provides online-business directory services for FREE for the Lions.
Changing my data online
You can change your data online, this information only applies to the ONLINE VERSION. You still need to provide North Pine Printing with the updates for next year’s paper version.
North Pine Printing is the “single source of truth” when we update the listings in September-November each year. Your updates to the online Dayboro Business Listing are NOT forwarded to North Pine Printing.