Dayboro grapevine
Dayboro Grapevine the local news paper for Dayboro and Surrounds.
Dayboro Grapevine the local news paper for Dayboro and Surrounds.
People living outside the Grapevine’s mailing area may subscribe for $35.00 per year — this covers our postage cost.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions in this paper are not necessarily those held by the Editorial Committee but are those of the article’s author.
Letters to the Editor must be signed and contain the author’s name, address, and contact phone number. (Names will be withheld from publication if requested.) Preference will be given to letters of 200 words or less. We reserve the right to accept or reject articles and/or advertising.
Digital photos need to be a minimum of 1063pixels in width. It is presumed that the photos submitted are free of copyright and were taken with the consent of the people appearing therein. Please include a suitable-sized, stamped & addressed envelope for the return of actual photographs.
For the latest price updates on advertising see the August 2023 edition below.
The Dayboro Grapevine is Published and Distributed by, The Dayboro Regional Information Network Incorporated (D.R.I.N.Inc.).
We are a Voluntary, Non-Profit Organisation.
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