Dayboro reko

Dayboro REKO turning a long supply chain into a short one. Over the years several of us have promoted local vendors and in particular local producers of excellent and honest food. There were a few attempts to connect vendors with customers and suggestions for a community garden were raised (more on that later). 

As with all good ideas and local companies, they need driving and energetic people to make it happen. But more so they need support from the local community. Jackson Produce is one example that comes to mind. A local Dayboro-based chap started an order and collect fruit and veggies boxes. Some might remember, unfortunately, over time, customers dwindled, and as it happens, he had to close up shop. 

Now with the CoVid-19 scenario, it becomes clear that we need a shorter supply chain. More so need to support the local vendors and producers.

Let me introduce REKO Ring Dayboro (Dayboro Reko), you can check pickup times at the Dayboro Events website. (note this is only relevant if you ordered online).

But first.

REKO (Responsible Consumption in Swedish) is a farmer’s market – online. It is pretty well explained by the author of The Prying Mantis. In short, it is a Do It Yourself direct sales.

From their page:

Reko stands for ‘Fair Consumption’ and is a trade model originally created in Finland. In short, it is a Facebook-based pre-ordering system for local products. Imagine being able to shop a variety of fresh, local and ethical produce from the comfort of your own home without having to deal with the messy hustle and bustle of stores or markets, whilst supporting small-scale producers in your community.

Dayboro REKO ring

Dayboro Reko

REKO Ring Dayboro is an online farmers market where you can source local products, pay the producers directly, and collect your goodies from the Railway st carpark on Saturdays from 11 am to 12 pm. Some guidelines about how to conduct your purchases will be posted here soon.

The driving force behind it here in Dayboro (Dayboro REKO),  is the admins of the group. You can see their names there. 

The first pickup was on Saturday 30th May 2020 and from what I heard… it was AWESOME. Personally, I am very excited and hope it will continue. It takes place every Saturday.

There are more REKO rings popping up across the state the better, the Dayboro Reko ring is just the first thanks to Jakie. 

How does it work?

I think this is how Dayboro Reko how it works. 

  1. You subscribe to the Facebook group.
  2. keep an eye out for new postings on this group. The Vendors will constantly update what they got. 
  3. Order, this is done by contacting the Vendor to agree upon the payment method and what you order. 
  4. Pick-Up. this is the fun part. Collect your fresh and locally produced food.

The FUN part is, you can make it a morning out. Wander through Dayboro to support the local shops. Grab a coffee from the Local Store House cafe. 

The Alternative

Not everybody has time to visit the REKO or is on Facebook. For that reason, we developed an alternative called Trade Shack. The Trade Shack is designed to create and promote self-sufficiency and sustainability.

The Trade Shack focuses on: 

  • Learn how to become Self Reliant. 
  • Share information and Skills
  • Buy Sell and Swap with like-minded. 
  • Become a Member of a self-reliant community. 

With the current world starting to look more and more like a “challenge” we figured (back in 2019) it is time to go “old-school”. We looked at different social media platforms, Dayboro Exchange and Dayboro Reko, and found that there is not a “one size fits all” available. So time to build our own.

We have been chipping and changing bits and bobs, but I believe we are close enough to launch. The idea is simple, instead of a community garden, use your Backyard to grow food, sell it, and exchange it. Build OFFLINE postcode-based networks without reliance on Social Media platforms.

The Trade Shack is a stepping stone toward a solution. We post on what works and what most likely does not work. You can join the discussion, and sell/advertise your backyard-grown produce. If you want to teach, you can set up an online course and start your side hustle.
Join me on the “stumbling” journey to self-sufficiency and self-reliance. The time is NOW.

Dayboro Reko and Trade Shack ©