Trade Shack

Dayboro trading anything

Dayboro (4521) is a Postcode Community on the Trade Shack. Dayboro Trading Anything allows you to trade anything, from vegetables to animals and farming equipment.

The Trade Shack focuses on local growers and trade from local hobby farms, backyard growers and homesteaders to consumers. 

Dayboro Trading Anything on the Trade Shack

What is the Trade Shack?

The Trade Shack was initially designed to help those who lost their job during the CoVid19 period. A few people got together and identified the need to create a platform for people to connect without using Fakebook and other social media platforms.  Be able to have free uncensored discussions about any and all topics.

This quickly grew into a more complex project than any of us could imagine. We included options for teachers to create courses and sell those courses to students. We created prepping forums, community gatherings and many other things. It got too big.

Time to strip it back down to: 

  • Sustainability
  • Community
  • Seed-to-plate
  • Business
  • Trading Anything
  • Local Exchange
We think that is a good balance, focusing on homesteading and people looking after themselves as part of a community. Become sustainable using your backyard and your local Postcode Community. 
We have been involved in several projects like The Australia Project, Australia Off Grid and several others. None work. The result was simply replacing existing problems with new ones. They did not address the core problems and quickly became politically loaded and controlling. 
We looked at what the core issues are, regardless of the political landscape or motives. The issue we, as humanity, facing is sustainability-specific food production. No other group was addressing this pragmatic, hence the Trade Shack. 
We believe that growing food can be done in your backyard, foodscaping if you like. If you organise the growing as a collective, then you can barter/trade/sell produce for food that you personally cannot grow. For example, some backyards cater for potatoes, whereas others are better suited for bananas, so why not become a micro-producer of bananas and trade them for potatoes? 
The Trade Shack will not tell you what to grow. We help you along by providing the tools to trade and grow. It is also run by volunteers paying for it in our own pocket. Keep that in mind. 

Trade shack building blocks


Creating awareness of your current situation and what you might need in the event of a disaster. Disasters have different impacts on people, depending on their current situation. For that reason, it is important to be clear and honest about YOUR situation. 


Introducing communities grouped by Postcode Communities. We use postcodes to set geographical boundaries. They are not fixed. They are just being used to create a grouping.


Seed To Plate

I started trading seeds online using Telegram Groups, and I am actively trading seeds with members in NSW. Bartering goods etc. Seeds are the start of all growth. 

It is the start of self-sufficiency and homesteading


Newly introduced to connect, mainly local growers, with customers. Ideally, the business is sourcing all its materials within a 50km radius. 

Build local, grow local, sell local and buy local. 

Trade Anything

Trade Anything (Dayboro Trading Anything), basically, you can trade anything related to homesteading. Social Media causes issues when you sell animals, or you have to pay for them. On the Trade Shack, it is free and has no limitation on trading honest homesteading produce. (Yes, it is FREE)

Local Exchange

We spoke with the person who set up the Dayboro Edible Exchange. Compiled a “course” based on our conversation. 

We can include Local Edible Exchange for each community if they want, should they not want to use Fakebook. 

Dayboro Trading Anything?

Dayboro Trading Anything is the “classifieds” section of the Dayboro Postcode Community. You can list your products for sale there, for FREE using the Trade Shack. 

Basically, the way it works is: 

  1. Create an account on the Trade Shack. 
  2. We match you to a postcode community (you must provide us with a postcode). 
  3. Log into your dashboard.
  4. Publish your classified. 

That’s it. Easy as pie. 


The idea behind

Shorten the Supply Chain

What CoVid19 and lockdowns have shown us is “We depend too much on the centralisation of food production” and we do not need to. 

The CoVid19 situation created a lot of interest in backyard growing, or even micro-gardening on balconies. Some will become successful and have ample food and excess produce to sell. Most will most likely slip back into the sole reliance on supermarkets and their Just-In-Time (long) supply chains. 

To build upon the backyard growing momentum, we want to connect backyard growers with local consumers. Enabling short supply chains, providing fresh and quality produce to your neighbours, friends and townspeople. 

Just like in the old days. 

Dayboro local business

The Trade Shack, as mentioned, promotes local businesses in local communities. Focussing on local food producers, ranging from Backyard growers to commercial producers. We do allow local services to be listed as long as you source your materials from within a 50km radius.  

The key is that they are not further away than 50km max. The closer is, the better. If you are a paddock-to-plate business, we like you to join us. If you grow vegetables in quantities regularly (eg Millers Farm), then we are the place for you. 

What about the Dayboro Lions Directory? 

Good question. The Dayboro Lions Directory is something we support. The Trade Shack directory is NOT GOING TO REPLACE IT. 

Dayboro is a bit of a special case because we do both directories, and there is a chance of a conflict of interest.  Hence we will limit the submissions to local growers and initiatives like REKO and Local Edible Exchange only. 

One rule does NOT fit all.

There are exceptions. For example, we understand that you might be a “pop-up” producer. You only, on occasion, make batches of soap or are not having an ABN or something like that. 

We want to give those local producers/growers making stuff on an “irregular” basis the option to advertise that they exist. Without the need to create a classified entry every 30 days. 

Just remember, we appreciate you enlisting in the Dayboro Lions Directory instead. This is to help the Dayboro Lions out with their funding for projects.