June, being the beginning of winter, typically starts the cooler season. Historical temperature data suggests mild temperatures with averages around 14°C to 19°C, possibly peaking just over 20°C on warmer days.
Historically, June isn’t a month with significant rainfall in Dayboro, averaging around 50-60 mm based on past meteorological data. Rain is likely to occur but not in significant quantities, given the dry winter period.
June has historically been stable in Dayboro with no severe weather events reported for this month in recent years. However, climate change has been leading to more frequent hot days and variable rainfall patterns across all seasons.
- Expected temperature range: Daily lows around 8°C, with highs reaching up to 20°C on sunnier days. The average daily temperature should hover around 14°C to 16°C.
- Key Influences: The solar cycle is in a quieter phase, which might lead to slightly cooler global temperatures. However, regional variations can modulate these effects.
- Expected rainfall: Approximately 10-20 mm of rain spread over the month, with higher chances of rain in the early part of the month. Over the last few years, we have seen a decline in Winter Rainfall, so let’s hope it will be better this year.
- Key Influences: Planetary positions, particularly those that historically correlate with increased atmospheric stability or instability, may slightly increase the likelihood of precipitation if aligned with moist air flows from the coast.
- Expected conditions: Predominantly light to moderate breezes from the southeast, typical of coastal influences during winter. Average wind speeds of 10-15 km/h.
- Key Events: No significant wind events are typical for June based on historical data, but attention should be given to any unusual planetary alignments that might disrupt typical patterns.
Key Events:
- Planetary Alignments: Any significant alignments involving Jupiter and Saturn could theoretically influence gravitational forces on Earth, potentially affecting weather patterns through shifts in atmospheric tides.
- Solar Activity: With the solar cycle predicted to be in a quieter phase, less solar flare activity reduces the likelihood of significant disruption to the ionosphere, which can subtly impact weather patterns on Earth.
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