Dayboro Weather Forecasts

Dayboro Weather online

Dayboro weather online is online again, not the full details just a subset for the time being. Interestingly enough many people were using it back in the day, and some even asked to put it back online. I won’t be able to put the full data set online, I simply do not have the finances to do so.

If you want to provide some support, then there are several ways to do so. You can buy me a coffee, you can buy my fresh produce or if you need Webhosting or web design you can get in touch with HELP4BIS. I am not directly involved with that, it is the missus who runs it, but it helps to keep us afloat.

Let’s have a look at what we got so far. 

Temperature in Celcius

Dayboro weather online has Real-Time Temperatures in Celcius, we collect the temperature on a 2-second rotation. On the website, we update the temperature every 5 minutes. So it is near to real-time.
We show the Minimum and Maximum temperature for the day, also in Celcius.

Due to the weather cycles and Grand Solar Minimum, we will see an overall reduction in average temperatures between now and 2028

Rain in MM

Rain, some days we want it, and some days we don’t. We currently going into a cooling cycle and with that, we get more clouds, and as you guessed it more rain. Same as with the Temperature we collect the rain at a 2-second interval. 

You might see 0.2mm on occasion, that is because of the tip of the “bucket” by the dew that is collected. Rain is very local, there is no need to have a discussion on who is more accurate, as it is irrelevant due to wind, trees and so many other factors at the location. Use it as a guideline

Wind in m/s and direction

The wind is recorded in knots, and then converted to meters per second, we also provide the direction. Generally in the afternoon, we get the “Dayboro Doctor” breeze coming through and will show. Like with the Rain, the wind can be very different in locations, we can have a breeze as in Dayboro Village there might not be a breeze.


The UV index is important to know if you are concerned about getting sunburned.  We keep track of that in real time and calculate how long it will take to get sunburned if you have “fair” skin. 

Air Quality

Air Quality measuring the particles and CO2. CO2 has been, wrongly, nominated as causing Global Warming. I suggest you study the proper science, instead of mainstream media. That said, we recording CO2 in PPM. 

We also keep track of the “dirt” in the air, this sensor is located on our verandah, to keep it out of the sun. Calculating the Air Quality Index is tricky and we follow the US-EPA 2016 Standard

The colour and description indicate what is recommended. For Hay-Fever sufferers you likely will get symptoms when we hit “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” 

Weather Forecast for Dayboro

Forecasting the weather is always tricky, we give it our best short thought. Using some clever software and some interesting “jumping through hoops” scenarios we come up with a seven-day forecast. 

Obviously, you should only use these forecasts for educational purposes only and never base important decisions on them. We update the forecast every two hours throughout the day, using local data and data from other Private Weather Stations and commercial data providers. 

Why use Dayboro weather online?

You do not have to

Accurate weather data in relation to rain, UV, wind, and temperature is hard to come by for Dayboro. The BOM is working on it, to provide more accurate data. 

Unlike the BOM we are not an official weather station, sure most equipment is calibrated and set up as per data collection standards, still, we do not have to answer to anybody. 

Data is collected locally

The data you see on this site (Dayboro Weather Online section) is collected here in the valley, it is local and better reflects the true temperature, wind, and UV. 

Forecast uses local data

When generating the forecast at Dayboro Weather Online, we can get away with a few errors. Using local data the errors are less likely than the BOM forecasts. Oddly enough. 

Dayboro Weather Online versus Redcliffe weather station


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