Our beloved Vantage Pro 2 Plus weather station has been a cornerstone of Dayboro’s weather updates, but it has recently stopped working. Your support can help us replace it and continue providing the reliable, local forecasts you trust. Every donation, no matter the size, fuels this mission and ensures Dayboro stays informed and prepared.


Dayboro Weather Realtime Forecast

2 Day Dayboro Weather forecast


Current Conditions:


28.2°C at 8:06 am
22.4°C at 2:12 am

Feels Like Metrics:

Heat Index: 30.8°C
THSW Index: 34.2°C

No Temperature Warnings
As of 8:15am


Current Conditions:

Wind Speed: 0.3 km/h
Wind Gust: 1.0 km/h
Wind Direction: 101.1°

Maximum Today:

Maximum Today:
Max Gust: 1.0 km/h

No Wind Warnings
As of 8:15am


Current Conditions:

Today’s Rain: 0.0 mm
Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/h

Daily rain is measured from 9am - 9am


This Week: 11.2 mm
This Month: 91.7 mm
This Year: 91.7 mm

No Rain Warnings
As of 8:15am


Current Conditions:

UV Index: 4.0
Luminosity: 58,329.4 lux

Today’s Maximum:

Max UV: 7.0 at 8:13 am
Max Luminosity: 1.0 lux

MODERATE UV: UV Index 4 – Sun protection recommended during peak hours
As of 8:15am

Air qualty

Atmospheric Pressure:

Pressure: 1,000.1 hPa
Rel Pressure: 1,000.1 hPa

Humidity: 75.2%
Dew Point: 22.9°C


PM₁.₀: 1.0 µg/m³
PM₂.₅: 2.0 µg/m³
PM₁₀.₀: 2.0 µg/m³

Battery Off-Gassing Monitor
The two CO₂ sensors are placed 1000mm apart; sensor 2 is one meter above the ground, and sensor 1 is on top of a Lithium-ion Battery. You can see high readings of CO2 because of the off-gassing of the battery. 
CO is another gas produced as part of the regular cycling of the battery.

Only faulty batteries are producing these gasses extensively. 

No Pressure Warnings
As of 8:15am
No Air Quality Warnings
As of 8:15am


Current Conditions:

FFDI: 1.5

Today’s Max/Min:

Max FFDI: 1.0
Min FFDI: 1.0

No Fire Danger Warnings
As of 8:15am


This site is maintained and paid for by RDS and HELP4BIS. There is no affiliation or connection with DDPAI or other local associations, groups or societies.
All information is collected using online resources, and direct messaging or is entered by 3rd parties. Mistakes do occur, all information is for use at own risk.  
The site funding purely relies on donations, selling of merchandise and sponsorship from RDS and HELP4BIS.

Shop local, support local.

Visit the Dayboro Lions Directory to find local businesses. 

What to Plant Today – Dayboro, Queensland

23-01 Thursday

🌓 38.1% – 🦂 Scorpio

Plant in the afternoon. Fertilize lightly.

No specific plants recommended for today.

The Dayboro Weather forecast is generated every two hours and made available at the bottom of the hour. It is generated automatically using weather data from several hundred weather stations in the area. Taking current and historical data we collected, since 2004, into consideration. 

If you only see two day forecasts, that means you are not a member or not logged. Members can see the full weeks forecast, weather history and long term forecasts. Oh and there will be no pestering google adverts on the site after you login. 

Climate changes happen in cycles and are NOT man-made nor influenced by man, they are a direct result of Sun interactivity. We try to do our best to be as accurate as possible, please do not base important decisions upon the data provided.  

Dayboro Weather data on this site should not be used to protect life and property.