Whether you’re a long-time resident or a visitor passing through, knowing who to call in case of an emergency or for local assistance is vital. In Dayboro and the surrounding areas, we’ve gathered the most important contact numbers for crucial services everyone should have. From emergency services to wildlife carers, these contacts ensure you can quickly get the help you need.

Service Contact Number
Fire, Police, Ambulance (Emergency) 000
Policelink (Non-urgent police assistance) 131 444
Local Police 07 3897 7285
Doctors See pages 49-50
ENERGEX (Downed power lines & electricity faults) 136 262
State Emergency Service (SES) 132 500
Unity Water (24hrs Emergencies & faults) 5431 8333
Poisons Information Centre 13 1126
Local Council (24hrs) 07 3205 0555
Health Advice 13 43 25 84
Animal Emergencies (Injured animals) 1300 852 188

Justice of the peace

Last Name First Name Place Postcode Phone Type
Sweetman Rob Armstrong Creek 4521 0414 275 751 JP (Qual)
Cains Patsy Dayboro 4521 07 3425 2804 C.Dec
Garvey Christine Dayboro 4521 0424 273 705 C.Dec
Goebel Donny Dayboro 4521 0412 932 288 C.Dec
Haigh Roger Dayboro 4521 0422 946 042 JP (Qual)
Jacob Graham Dayboro 4521 0419 022 090 JP (Qual)
Jacob Marilyn Dayboro 4521 0408 737 420 C.Dec
Rayner Richard Dayboro 4521 0487 229 989 JP (Qual)
Robinson Ken Dayboro 4521 07 3897 7285 JP (Qual)
Wagner Tony Dayboro 4521 0407 014 185 C.Dec
Jackson Lynette King Scrub 4521 0403 218 914 JP (Qual)
Johnston Karen King Scrub 4521 0412 828 289 C.Dec
Flinders Sue Kobble Creek 4521 0466 619 660 JP (Qual)
Alcorn Michael Mt Mee 4521 0419 725 556 C.Dec
Thompson Tracie Mt Mee 4521 0417 618 242 JP (Qual)
Thomson Elise Mt Pleasant 4521 0422 527 759 C.Dec
McDougall Alexander Mt Samson 4520 0438 004 474 JP (Qual)
Sargent Paula Mt Samson 4520 0414 977 635 JP (Qual)
Ashby Sarah Ocean View 4521 0450 477 077 JP (Qual)
Anderson Sue Ocean View 4521 0420 374 363 C.Dec
Bowden Dennis Rush Creek 4521 0433 265 262 JP (Qual)

Rural Firew Wardens

Location Fire Warden Phone
Dayboro, Kings Scrub, Rush Creek, Armstrong Creek & Part of Samsonvale Tony Easlea 0409 874 057
Ocean View Dennis Borrett 0408 722 784
Mt Mee Ben Noakes 0415 949 816
Samsonvale 1 – Kobble Creek (East of Mt Samson & Watson Rd to Dales Rd) Glen Lake 0418 153 116
Samsonvale 2 – Kobble Creek (From Dales Rd to Kriesh Rd) Steve Arkell 0408 792 975
Samsonvale 3 – Basin Area & Samsonvale 4 – Kundes Rd (From Hills Rd to Clear Mountain Rd) Chris Kunde 0408 180 669